
Phlegmatic Temperament Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Spiritual Life of a Phlegmatic Temperament is the natural disposition of how one interacts with themself, others and the world. We do not get to choose or change our temperament; rather we are born with it (Haan 41). I am proud to say that God gifted me with the phlegmatic temperament. A phlegmatic person is mainly characterized as calm, quiet, easy going, dependable, objective, diplomatic, humorous, efficient, organized and practical. Strengths that accompany this temperament include being likeable, not easily agitated, against violence, faithful friends, good listeners, kindhearted, sympathetic, dependable, internally motivated and consistent. Phlegmatic temperaments are often prone to weaknesses such as laziness, avoiding obstacles, …show more content…

I realize that I have remained content in my relationship with God rather than working to enhance it. This is due to my dislike of change and fear of obstacles. In “The Emotions God Gave You” Art and Laraine write, “…a phlegmatic may feel anxious or fearful. These are simply tendencies and do not dictate our actions (Bennett 34). I am disappointed in myself because I have allowed the fear I experience to dictate my actions of avoiding spiritual growth. Every human is called to holiness and in order to achieve it action is required. This fear also explains my internal conflict with laziness because I have allowed the fear to disincline my activity. An insecurity that I am extremely fearful of is talking to adults. This greatly affects my spiritual life because in order to be resolved of my sins I am required to talk to a priest in the sacrament of reconciliation. My fear of talking to a priest has effectively hindered my decision to receive reconciliation for more than three years now. In order to further my relationship with God it is vital that I attend the sacrament. I will no longer allow fear to dominate my actions as I plan to attend reconciliation this coming Saturday at my

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