
Physical Activity Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Physical activity is movement that is voluntary, intentional, and directed toward achieving an identifiable goal. Due to the fact I am completely uncoordinated and clumsy, I was grateful when I finished my last physical education class in high school. I was relieved that I would never be required to work out ever again, but after seeing my sister become a spin instructor and my mother starting to become fit, I wanted to better myself as well. Though I had the urge to also become fit, I was still too lazy to actually start working out. I did not start to work out until January of this year. Reflecting on my twenty-one years of life I have done many different kinds of physical activities. There have been activities like: soccer, swimming, dance sessions, hiking, and more. As a child physical activity was performed during “gym class.” We did not know that physical activity included things like playing tag, riding our bikes, and swimming in pools. We did not yet have the mindset that having fun and physical activity were two separate entities with no relation to one another. Therefore, we had no issues with doing those activities. As we grow older, we have less and less time to have fun because of school, work, and other responsibilities. During my senior year of high school, I had to walk from the closest bus stop to my high school, every Friday to participate in my sports medicine class. The distance from the bus stop to my school was about a mile way. Since I was walking so much I started to develop a plethora of pain in my legs. The athletic trainer at my school told me that the problem was my iliotibial band or IT band. I went years without treating it because I thought the pain would eventually go away, but consequently that was not the case. In the beginning of last semester, my leg pain increased immensely; it was to the point where I could not fall asleep without taking two Aleve’s. That was when I decided it was time to receive help. I went to physical therapy for four long months, and found out that my pain stemmed from not only my IT band, but also my rectus femoris. We used electrical stimulation, cupping, and heat an ice techniques to help get rid of my pain. The therapists also had me do

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