
Physician Assisted Death Controversy

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Over the past 18 years, the controversy of Physician assisted death (PAD) has swept the world. Since 1997, four states in the united states have legalized PAD and several countries in Europe have passed similar laws. PAD is slowly becoming more and more popular among Americans, but for those people who are still highly opposed to the idea, why? Research has proven that PAD is not considered abuse because physicians are required to give their patients informed consent. Many terminally ill patients are requesting PAD and the choice to partake in the new phenomenon is completely up to the patient, even after the pills are administered. The prerequisites are many and the majority of people in fact do not qualify. on Lachman says “Physician-assisted …show more content…

The act of simply informing the patient about how he can end his life on his own is considered PAS. However, Physician assisted death, or euthanasia, is “when, at the request of the patient, a physician administers a medication or treatment, the intent of which is to end the patient’s life” (Lachman). The difference in the two concepts being the request of the patient. “According to research some 66% adults in the united states believes that a patient should be able to receive PAD in certain circumstances... And 47% of people are in favor of passing legislation permitting PAD (Health Research Funding). The idea that Physician Assisted Death should be legal is relatively new (since 1997, when Oregon passed legislation permitting PAD), and the concept is becoming more and more popular, with the population of Americans advocating for PAD to be legalized up 19% since 2001 (Lachman). On its way to being legalized, Physician Assisted Death is gaining supporters at every turn, it has even been legalized in four states including Oregon. “The Oregon Death with Dignity act (ODDA) allows a patient to request a lethal dose of medication …show more content…

A patient has to judge his or her own quality of life, making the action of assessing if a patient’s quality of life is so low that they should be considered for PAD. Although dogs and humans are very different creatures, anatomically and spiritually, PAD is the same concept of putting a dog to sleep. Both beings are loved by others greatly and both experience a low quality of life when they are ill. But why is it better to put dogs down when they are suffering, but it is not ethical for it to be done when a human is suffering? 7.6 million companionship animals were put down last year (2014) (ASPCA). The same idea and process are behind PAD. Physician Assisted Death is not abused by physicians, despite what many people believe PAD is very uncommon, even in states where it is legal. “Approximately 1 of 1,000 Oregonians obtain and use a lethal dose of medication; 17% personally considered it as an option.” (Lachman). But America is not the only place where is a controversy. “85% of 218 nurses in Australia carried out the request the physician’s request for active euthanasia” (Lachman), and “10,000 citizens of the Netherlands, where PAD is legal,

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