
Physics of Boomerangs

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Boomerangs are one of the first throwing machines invented by humans. Boomerangs first developed as an improvement of the carved throwing sticks. Usually made of wood and they were banana shaped; both arms were carved into curved surfaces. Typically 3 ft long and weighing 5-10 lbs. they were effective hunting tools. When thrown, boomerangs traveled parallel to the ground as far as 650 ft
The physics of a Boomerang can be broken down into three simple reasons:
1. A boomerang has 2 arms or wings, similar to airplane wings, which created lift.
2. In flight, the top rotates in the directions of the boomerang and the bottom rotates in the opposite direction– creating an uneven lift and tilting, which is prevented by torque
3. The torque doesn’t flip the boomerang over, but instead creates angular momentum or gyroscope precession.

1. The boomerang’s arms being shaped like wings are very important. Each wing has both a flat side and a curved side, like an airplane wing. The purpose of the design is to create an airfoil shape therefore creating lift. This lift is created when the thrower thrust the boomerang; that air foils deflects the air down which in return propels the wing up. The air being pushed to the underside of the wing creates 1/3 of the lift of a wing. So if the boomerang doesn’t have a strong airfoil shape, it will not have enough lift to overcome the downward pressure. As the air is moving across the airfoil it has to go farther on the curved surface than it does on

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