
Pi Animal Symbolism

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Meaning Behind Animal Story/Human Story in Life of Pi Life often presents individuals with situations that go beyond the literal meaning associated with such events. A person, an object, or even an action can take upon itself an entirely different idea than what meets the idea. Writers may employ such symbols to convey various themes in a work. For example, the storyline in The Life of Pi presents many connections between animals and humans. The animals on the life raft are believed to be human survivors that Pi had been with. Throughout the novel, there are many signs of connections between these characters and why each one was assigned to that animal. In developing such connections between the animals and the humans, the author delves …show more content…

In order for Pi to feel safe he must keep his distance from the Bengal Tiger but this hard for him being on such a small liferaft. Pi eventually shows that he has dominance on one side of the ship by peeing on a tarp on the boat and laying it over his side to make Richard Parker aware of his smell and his territory. To keep himself safe as well Pi must keep Richard Parker satisfied. Every day Pi must go fishing off the side of their life raft in order to keep Richard Parker happy and to keep him from turning on him and eating him for his next meal. The theme of Territorial dominance can be symbolized as Pi having control over his inner animal. Once Pi’s mother was brutally murdered by the French cook he took revenge in the heat of the moment and let out his inner animal to fight for his will to live. Once his inner animal was out he had to control it and not let himself slip and become completely savageous just like the French cook. Pi keeping his distance from Richard Parker and showing dominance relates directly to him having to keep sane and alive. Having to feed him can also be symbolized, Pi has now murdered in order to avenge his mother’s life and also has blood on his hands. Now that Pi has had the taste of blood he now knows what it means to kill and he has to now kill in order to survive. He won’t be killing the same as he did when he had to avenge his mother’s death but it …show more content…

One connection is the fact that the Bengal Tiger only makes one kill yet is the most feared animal by humans (Life of Pi Novels for Students Milne). The Tiger killed the hyena because it killed Orange Juice. This would make sense in the human version of the story that Pi would only kill once he has the anger and energy to kill his mother’s murderer. The tiger is symbolized as courageous and ferocious which Pi sees himself both as which is why he chose the Bengal Tiger. The tiger is very focused on survival such as eating and drinking, Pi has mastered this on his 227 day journey just like a tiger does in the wild. The tiger also symbolizes Pi’s inner animal coming out when his mom is attacked and is a turning point that shows what he must do to survive (Life of Pi Novels for Students Milne & Constantakis). Survival is one of the many themes in the Life of Pi showing what must be done in order to live on the life raft. Pi must do things he never thought he would ever have to do to continue living. For example he had to kill the cook to protect himself and to avenge his mother’s death. He also must learn that he has to keep his distance from Richard Parker and how to keep him satisfied so that he will not eat Pi. He also learns to provide food not only for protection from Richard Parker but also to feed himself so that he can survive on the raft. Another theme that relates to their

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