
Piaget Cognitive Development

Decent Essays

From the five theoretical approaches we had, I decided to choose Piaget’s cognitive development. In Piaget’s theory, cognitive development is discontinuous and takes place in several different stages, which are all universal. According to Piaget, in his cognitive development theory, children establish knowledge as they explore their world. To Piaget, cognitive development was a continuous reestablishment of mental processes as a result of biological advancement and environmental experience. Children establish their own understanding of the world around them, then experience discrepancies between what they already know and what they discover in their environment, causing this theory to be both nature and nurture, from genetic inheritance through …show more content…

On the other hand, ethology and evolutionary development is also nature and nurture, and it has a pattern observed that when the young are close by their mother all fed and safe, they feel protected, but if the mother leaves, but an object resembling her is present the young may imprint on it instead. I can’t agree with this theory, because if a child were to be left alone with an object resembling the mom, it would still cry and be hungry and show its attitude no matter what, until the mom comes. When I was observing my one year old brother and my 7 year old sister, I noticed they both are on different stages, which is why when I was reading Piaget’s theory, I couldn’t find a more perfect one to describe their behavior. I noticed that two of my siblings are both still young in life and don’t have too much understanding of this world. I also noticed that they are both at different stages in life, because when I played Peekaboo with a one year old and later on with a seven year old, I noticed a huge …show more content…

When playing with my 7 year sister, according to Piaget she is on the stage of concrete operational, she didn’t react absolutely when playing peekaboo with her. If someone was to do that to me, and I’m 18, I would just reply, “I’m past that stage.” And that’s how we see life, in stages. When observing my seven year old sister, I noticed she learns other things that are way ahead of how one year old plays. She will sometimes sit and rearrange her coloring pencils into the same color or colors that are similar. According to Piaget, I decided to pour the same amount of water into two different shaped glasses, and ask her which has more water. Of course she saw me starting with the same amount in the beginning, and told me that is should be the same because it was the same in the first beaker. I was surprised that she actually saw and figured that out. But when I hid it from her the next time, she chose the very wide and short beaker as the one that has less water, and the very skinny, tall beaker as the one with more

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