
Picture Went Viral

Decent Essays

In today’s world, images have become a form of self expression. People use images to show how they are feeling. From a selfie, at a family vacation, to their halloween evening, dressed as their favorite superhero. None the less, images have also become a way for people to express their thoughts towards other people and a form of approval. “My Embarrassing Picture Went Viral” by Caitline Seida touches on how, she, a girl with polycystic ovarian syndrome and a failing thyroid gland posted a picture, of her halloween evening with her friends, that soon became of fountain of hate comments that ranged from “What a waste of space” to “You should kill yourself” (Seida 675). “What Selfie Sticks Really Tell us About Ourselves” by Kate Murphy informs …show more content…

You get a taste of it, and then you want it more and more.” (Murphy 3) Both Seida and Murphy see images as having both a negative and a positive association. To them images are a form of self expression. You are capturing a memory into a still photo, which is the positive form of it. You are creating memories that you SHOULD worship and love but the moment you go and post it on social media seeking approval from other people, that's when it becomes a negative form of an image. What I understood from both essay is that the moment you post an image on social media in search from approval or even if your not, you are putting yourself at risk to cyber bully or let downs because at the end of the day you are not the one who is deciding which type of people are commenting on your photo. Honestly to me, my personal opinion, I sometimes fall into the same category as the people who post pictures for approval. Whether it be on snapchat, instagram, or facebook, when I post pictures I am constantly looking at the number of likes it has gotten or the number of views it has received. For the most part I agree with these essays. I do agree that when you post pictures of social media, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment because not everyone might like the picture you are posting. But what I don’t agree with is what Murphy says about what taking selfies tell us about ourselves, I don't believe that taking selfies means that you have narcissistic, psychopathic and Machiavellian personality. Overall I understand where both of these authors are coming from and why they decided to write these two

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