
Pilgrim 's Progress By John Bunyan

Decent Essays

1) Pilgrim 's Progress by John Bunyan is an infamous Christian allegory and wildly considered to be the first great book of the non-secular English language. After the Bible, it was the most read book for centuries. Bunyan wrote it based on his largely Baptist, often Calvinist theology. This is evident in Pilgrim 's Progress through the name choices of the main characters and his conversation with Ignorance regarding reaching the Celestial City. The major points which are total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of saints. Total depravity states that all mean are inherently sinners, unconditional election entails that certain people were predestined to receive God 's grace no …show more content…

Christian tries to correct him and explain that there is only one way to the Celestial City, and his deeds do not matter. Due to the doctrines of Predestination and Total Depravity, Christian is correct under Calvinism. Since Ignorance is inherently a sinner, and not elect, he is unable to accept God 's grace and enter the Celestial City by means of his own path according to the concept of Total Depravity. However, one way that Pilgrim 's Progress contradicts Calvinist theory is when Christian is reading his bible at the very beginning and confesses to his family that he is worried for their safety because fire from Heaven will soon obliterate the city that they live in and he doesn 't know how to save them. This is contradictory to Calvinism because Christian should inherently know that he cannot. Since God has preordained everything that will ever happen, Christian cannot save his family unless that was already been in God 's plan. Pilgrim 's Progress largely exemplifies Calvinist ideology throughout the text with each new character that Christian meats. Bunyan made his viewpoint very clear every everyone of his literary decisions from what the characters shall be named to how they go about their journeys. Although there are a few nuances that seem less than Calvinistic, such as Christian 's worries at the beginning, for the most part it stats true to the Calvin course.


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