
Pippa's Experiences: A Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

Ever since her 18th birthday, Pippa had been experiencing the strangest things. Suddenly, things she had never seen began to appear, and the things would often disappear. She had thought for a while that perhaps she was going insane, but something told her that her absentee mother and workaholic father had something to do with it. Rare occasions were when Pippa would learn about her family history, even if it had to do with school, the answers were incredibly vague and never changed. Almost as if they were rehearsed and memorized, and thought she hadn’t before, Pippa was finding it odd now. It was only a week since her birthday, and her parents had made themselves sparser than they had before. Beyond them being absent, Pippa also felt like she was being watched, even followed. It continued …show more content…

Not only were all of the scary, and maybe really neat creatures and villains she’d been told were fake real, but also she was expected to kill them. On top of that, she’d been followed, and that noise was not a coincidence. But kill someone, or perhaps, something? How on earth could she do that?
In the distance, Pippa heard something fall in her parent’s bedroom and break. She half expected this to be a prank, for all of her friends and family to jump out and surprise her. That didn’t happen, instead something else happened.
The brunette grabbed the sword, and moved to hide in the coat closet. Her palms were sweaty, her limbs trembling with fear. If she didn’t kill it, would it kill her?
“Hey,” a voice whispered, and it nearly caused the girl to shriek. “Hey!” The voice persisted, taking Pippa's eyes to her sword.
“What?” Her voice was soft, confused, and afraid.
“It’s me, kid,” The sword spoke. “Welcome to a world of magic. I’m your guard. That thing in there will kill you, but not if you don’t kill it first. It’s not hard, you have me, and I’m chalked full of

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