Pacific Gopher Snake
Pituophis catenifer
Status: Pituophis catenifer are of least concern because this species has a stable population, and amount of subpopulations this species contains. There no major threat against P. catenifer exist as of now.
Conservation Efforts: Various species of P. catenifer appear in protected wildlife areas.
Physical Description: P. catenifer can range from 180-275 cm. They usually have larger heads and narrow necks. P. catenifer, generally marked with brown or black spots on a lighter straw to grey colored background, depending on their environment, can commonly be misidentified as a rattle snake. This species has a lifespan of 33 years in captivity and 12-15 years in the wild. Reproduction maturity takes 3-5 years for females, and 1-2 years for a male. P. catenifer is oviparous.
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catenifer breeds once a year from June to August. Females will secrete a scent through their skin, informing males they are ready for mating. Males will attempt to mate with numerous females. The males and females generally don’t associate before and after mating. When annoyed, P. catenifer may hiss loudly, flatten its head, vibrate the tail, and strike.
Range and Habitat: P. catenifer is neurotic in areas from Southwestern Canada to Northern Mexico in temperate, terrestrial environments. This species inhabits several environments including: desert or dune, savanna or grassland, chaparral, forest, mountains. Other habitat features include: suburban, agricultural, and riparian. In San Diego, the pacific gopher snake can be found in drier and suburban areas.
Diet and Feeding Type: Primarily a carnivore, P. catenifer eats terrestrial vertebrates. The animals this species eats include: birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, eggs, and insects. This species uses constriction to capture and kill its prey.
Fun Fact: A male occasionally will bite a female on the back of her neck when
The Jennings prairie is one of the few places in Pennsylvania where the Massasauga Rattlesnake is found. The massasauga is endangered in Pennsylvania and is strictly protected. The massasauga is venomous and may bite if surprised or threatened. The staff at Jennings ask you to please stay on the trails for your own safety and the snake’s protection. Over three quarters of the park is covered by forest ( Stream valleys, upland forests, and wetlands, provide diverse habitats for wildlife at Jennings. The massasauga rattle snake isn’t like most rattle snakes. It has 9 enlarged scales on top of the head. Stocky with a well-developed rattle, the massasauga s brownish gray with rounded dark
The western diamondback has pattern like a raccoon’s tail and when they are young they colors are more distinctive as they older they become blurred and camouflaged. “The western diamond-backed rattlesnake can be found in arid and semi-arid habitats, including desert, plains, rocky hills, grassland, shrubland, woodland, dried river beds and coastal islands” (Arkive, 2015).
The mating season is year round and once they’re pregnant the, length of gestation is one hundred thirty days to one hundred ninety days. (The gestation for a human is two times longer.) They only have one offspring at birth. After birth the young latch onto the backs of their mother and stay until a year of age.
The Mojave Rattlesnake is found in the mojave desert of california and in western parts in texas southern nevada edge of mexican plateau.Its habitat varies between dry deserts grasslands and bushes. Adults can reach 2 to 4 inches which is a medium sized snake. Some can be greenish, greenish gray ,olive green , and occasionally brownish or yellowish. The diamond back rattle snakes adaptation is that they have a toxic venom the can help kill predators.
The cardinal is a ground feeder and finds food while hopping through forests and shrubbery. The adults diet consists of insects, spiders, wild fruits, berries, and weed seeds. They feed their young almost exclusively on insects. In the winter, Cardinals eat more seeds and berries since insects are
Physical Description: Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes have thick flat body with vertical pupils, blunt tail with a jointed rattle and brown, tan, gray, black, yellow and olive skin colors and/or patterns. Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes can reach a length 15-48 inches and
Hibernaculum are places where creatures seek refuge and most hibernacula and summer dens are found beside old fallen logs (73%)(. Hibernacula and Summer Den Sites of Pine Snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) in the New Jersey Pine Barrens). Snakes have hibernaculum, which are like dens and these dens can provide multiple benefits to snakes including shelter from lethal overwinter conditions, social opportunities, and contain basking sites, which important in thermoregulation (Gienger CM, Beck DD. 2011). Overwintering is the process
To many the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is considered the king of rattle snakes as they are able to grow up to 15 feet. Many people may recognize them by there infamous deafening rattle. If threatened they will coil up into an S shape and raise there tail and shake their tail making a loud threatening sound similar to a baby rattle. The rattle is made from Keratin (the same material as human fingernails). Each time they shed there skin a notch is added in the rattle, but since they usually end up knocking them off from hitting them against rocks and other items, it is not a reliable way of telling age. The Eastern back rattlesnake is usually docile unless you happen to step on it or provoke it. This species of snake can be found in the
Did you know there was a pitbull that served in WW2? Did you know pitbulls were work dogs? Did you know lots of dogs are mistaken for pitbulls? Or did you know pitbulls are being band in a lots of states?
Never has a black panther been documented in North America. Adult males can reach a length of seven feet from their nose to the tip of their nose. On average, adult males are around 116 lbs and females weigh around 75 lbs. Kittens are usually grak with dark brown or blackish spots and five bands around their tail. As they get older, the spots will fade and almost completely go away at six months old. Their bright blue eyes slowly turn to the light brown straw color around the same time. A plan for genetic restoration and management of the Florida Panther was developed in september 1994. Where non-pregnant adult female texas pumas were released in areas of South Florida from March to July 1995. The introgression has decreased the rates of genetic defects of Florida Panthers. For Reproduction, most activity occurs from December to March with most births occurring between May and June. Primarily panthers hunt white-tailed deer and feral hogs for prey. Feral hogs are consumed more in the north, while white-tailed deer are consumed more in the
They exhibit a polygynous mating system, which means they have one-male and multi-female groups. The male’s large home ranges envelop the home ranges of several females. The males will mate with all the females in their home range and even some in extending home ranges. Females will also mate with members of different home ranges. The two remain together for several days while mating and will copulate several times in that period. Litters are usually fathered by one male, and the males will defend and mark their territory while mating. Females will mate every other year from May to August. They will stay in heat from June to August, and most mating will occur in June or July. Most interestingly females display a delayed implantation where the embryo is not implanted immediately at copulation but actually waits in diapause for about six months. Fertilized eggs develop to the blastocyst and will remain there until implantation to the uterine wall which typically occurs in the months from December to February. This means pregnancy may last anywhere from 120 to 272 days. Which will depend on when the embryo is fertilized and when it is implanted. Parturition is perfectly timed for the optimum survival of their young, which is usually when the most food is available. Females build snow-dens to birth and nurse their young. They typically have two dens, a natal den for giving birth and then when this den is
recently become detrimental to many wildlife species. These house cats are responsible for the deaths of
Rodda, G.H., T.H. Fritts, M.J. McCoid and E.W. Campbell. 1999. An overview of the biology of the brown tree snake (B. irregularis), a costly introduced pest on the Pacific Islands. Pages 44-80 in Rodda, G.H., Y. Sawai, D. Chizar, and H. Tanaka, Eds. Problem snake management: the habu and brown tree snake. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
The black-tailed prairie dog’s scientific name is Cynomys ludovicianus that, colorfully, means “dog mouse of Louisiana.” It lives in North America in the Great Plains region of the United States. Its territory stretches all the way to the borders of Canada and Mexico, but not to the coasts. The black-tailed prairie dog is the most common and prolific of all prairie dogs, and has the largest territory. Prairie dog towns, a system of burrows that are close together and can span miles, are subdivided into wards, coteries, and individuals on a downward sliding scale depending on population size.
The Burmese python snake is constantly evolving to survive the changes in its habitat. The Burmese python snake is one of the largest snakes in the world. The length of the Burmese python snake is 15 feet or more but it can grow up to 22 feet. The average length of the Burmese python snake is 16 feet. The Burmese python has long organs since its body is extremely long. The Burmese python snake has two lungs, unlike the regular snake which has one lung. The basic body color of the Burmese snake is pale tan, yellow-brown or gray with large reddish blotches that are outlined by a gold or cream color. (“Burmese”,