
Essay about Plastic Surgery: Does It Really Change Your Identity?

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Often, there is a disconnection between the self whom we present to the world and our “true” self. Some people try to blur the line between the person they are in the inside and the person they present to others. They try to rub out their imperfections and use plastic surgery to try to become that person they think they really are. However, plastic surgery does not change one`s “true” self. Many people today feel insecure about their bodies. They feel that people will judge them more if they have a crooked nose or eyes that are too close to each other. Some get liposuction if they feel too fat or breast implants because they think it will make them more attractive to the opposite sex. These people who do not feel happy about the way their …show more content…

Somewhat surprisingly, patients did not report significant improvements in body image quality of life.” (Sarwer, 268) It seems the long-term effects are not quite yet 100% certain so far, so one cannot say that plastic surgery makes a person`s life better for the rest of his or her life. One can argue that when one changes their outward appearance, all those compliments the person receives, can change their personality a bit. For example, a person that used to be very self-conscious about how they look would now become slightly more outgoing, because they feel better about themselves. When someone gets more attention from the opposite sex, after having done the surgery, that person would feel happier. Most people use facial plastic surgery for “correcting feature defects or improving the appearance; for example, removing birth marks, moles, scars and correcting disfiguring defects.” (Singh, 1) Some individuals have “delusions of ugliness or misshapenness” (Bradbury, 301). This is called body dysmorphic disorder. They hold the belief that something is wrong with them despite them not being ugly at all. The patients` lives gets taken over by the need to find the “cure,” to rid them of their self-thought strange looks. Most patients with this disorder find themselves dejected and felt great shame in how they looked. Patients saw how they looked to be “socially unacceptable and as arousing strong adverse reactions in others, which led to social avoidance.” (Bradbury,

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