
Plastics Are Not Good For The World

Good Essays

Introduction These days, companies are not only producing twice as many single use plastics than are disposed, but it is becoming almost impossible to dispose of these plastics anyway else than dumping them into the oceans. The single use plastics that are being dumped into the ocean do not decompose, they only break up into smaller pieces over time. The results presented in this paper are used to show that harmful single use plastics are not good for the world and that eventually they will impact humans in a bad way by using facts about plastics in the ocean and in the environment in general. The most common chemical in single use plastics is BPA. BPA is a chemical that is in almost all harmful plastics and is the main reason why people …show more content…

Humans rely on the ocean because it helps it rain, and without rain or any other precipitation the whole world would be in a drought and we wouldn’t have any water. We also rely on marine life because we eat seafood as a good source of protein and if most or all of the marine life dies off, we will have to find another source for protein other than meats or protein powders. The ocean is also a huge source of rain and other precipitation. If the oceans are more trash than water the percent of precipitation all over the world would decrease dramatically. Furthermore, there are organizations that were created for the purpose of raising awareness of the harmful plastics in the oceans, and some companies are changing the way they make plastics. There are many organizations around the world that are trying to help save the environment by getting together to try and remove the plastics from the ocean. Although there is a bunch of organizations, it isn’t enough to completely get rid of the issues that come with plastic pollution. Then again, there has been enough awareness about the problems with BPA so some companies, like EVCO Plastics, that changed the way they make plastics to make them less harmful if not completely harmless. This topic was chosen because of the importance. This topic is extremely important in today’s society because of how it could impact the word and the people who live on it. The problem of plastic pollution is increasing as plastic companies continue

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