
Plato's Philosophy in Apology

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Plato 's Philosophy in Apology Plato was known to be one of Socrates ' students, and knew him for over 40 years. Although Plato 's version of Apology is popularly believed to be (the most accurate) historical recount of what happened in 399 B.C on the day of Socrates ' trial, historians cannot be sure the validity of everything he wrote. It can be argued that it is actually a philosophical work, remarking on the teachings of Socrates and his beliefs, which he stood by even until his death. Plato does attempt to develop a new mission for philosophy through this text. By writing Apology, Plato hopes to inspire "deeper thinking" amongst everyone. There are three main themes in Apology that seemed to show Plato and Socrates ' …show more content…

Only after we accept our faults, can we go out and teach others. The only way to be "wiser" is to accept that "neither of us know anything fine and good" (21d). Socrates, when faced with the death penalty, goes back to the issue of knowing. He is not afraid of death because "fearing death is nothing other than thinking one is wise when one isn 't, since it 's thinking one knows what one doesn 't know". (29a) Because death is part of what we don 't know, it could be neither positive nor negative. Many demigods gave up their lives for virtue, to fight for what they believed in. Socrates says he would rather follow in their footsteps; that death is better than having to be "afraid of living as a bad man" (28d). This philosophy on death makes us think that we cannot ever imagine what we don 't know. It 's argumentative whether it 's unreasonable to "fear the unknown", as fear is a human driven emotion. It can 't really be compared to thinking one is wise when one isn 't, because its knowledge does not lead to immediate engagement. Socrates perhaps readily accepts his fear of death, yet he has not fully vanquished it. The Virtuous Life vs The Unexamined Life

Plato 's perhaps greatest mission in making people realize what philosophy is lies in Socrates ' speech "....if I say it 's the greatest good for a man to discuss virtue every day, and other things you 've heard me discussing and examining myself and others

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