
Play Critique Of Man And Superman By George Bernard Shaw

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Man and Superman Play Critique
Man and Superman, written by George Bernard Shaw, is a comedy of ideas which was based in late 19th century London. The play primarily revolves around John Tanner. It begins as news arrives of the death of Mr. Whitefield, who is Ann’s father. The first dilemma begins as Mr. Ramsden and Jack argue over who will care for Ann and her sister and who will eventually marry Ann. There is also the problem that comes with Violet, as she is secretly married and pregnant. Later in the play, Jack encounters the famous womanizer Don Juan in a dream, who he confers with about the idea of marriage. Throughout the duration of the play, the viewer is able to dissect the playwright’s mind and the directors and actors choices.
The play focuses on the idea of “Ubermensch”, which is German for “superman”. Shaw gives his “Ubermensch” qualities such as superior intellect, intuition, and self defined virtues. The theme of the play is the barriers that the evolution of the superman encounters, one of which according to Shaw is marriage. The institution of marriage is a barrier as it strengthens the division of social classes and hinders copulation. It was also heavily influenced by power and property acquisition. It is criticized in the play as Violet keeps her marriage a secret from her family and others because her husband is of a lesser social class. Furthermore, the inclusion of the Don Juan dream that Jack encounters is also criticism as Don Juan tells Jack that

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