
Essay on Playstation 3: The New Era Of Gaming

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Playstation 3: The New Era of Gaming

The Sony Playstation 3 (PS3) is the most recent game consoles by Sony Inc. to come out. Becoming the trilogy of the Playstation series, the PS3 packs many of the same or similar characteristics as the Playstation 2 (PS2). But it also has its own characteristics which places it on another level. Being a highly priced console (ranging from $400-$600), there is a lot offered from the PS3 console. It includes high-definition graphics (HDTV compatible), a Blu-ray disc hard drive, wireless controllers, Gigabit Ethernet, and a built-in Bluetooth. There is also plenty of memory space available on the console. Sony has generated four versions of the PS3; there is a 20GB, 40GB, 60GB, and 80GB PS3 game …show more content…

There is no though that the Playstation 2 shows well and has improved since the Playstation. Yet the Playstation 3 has really taken it to another level with its graphics. But not only does the PS3 enhance graphics and visuals for video games; it also enhances your movie experience.
The Playstation 2 allowed DVD’s to play in the console, but it has nothing on the PS3’s play of DVD’s. The PS3 is able to play DVD’s and also Blu-ray DVD’s. With Blu-ray DVD’s you are able to receive a more crisp and sharp image quality. There is more depth and more details that are delivered also. Having the ability to play DVD’s on the PS3 saves you space. Instead of purchasing a whole home theater system, getting the PS3 will take place of all of that. A PS3 purchaser is basically on top of the world with the combination of a game console and a high definition DVD player built inside. Instead of having to also buy a DVD or Blu-ray DVD player and take up more room, you can have a two in one deal. And most Blu-ray DVD players are over $500, some even costing up to $1,500.
If you think that that is great, how about having the freedom to seat anywhere in the room and still able to play the console? The PS3 provides wireless controllers for their latest console. With the wireless Playstation 3 controller you don’t have to worry about getting tangled up with other controllers, sitting in a chair the whole time, or even worry about a shortage in the cord of the

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