
Plebeians In Ancient Rome

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Plebeians. The Patricians were the wealthy class and lived life in the lap of luxury. The Plebeians, however it may be stated, that the plebeians were poor. It is true, to an effect. The Plebeians were merely not as rich, and they didn't live in mansions or expensive houses. They had a little less money and NO say in government. The Patricians had all say in government and how the city was ruled. However, the people wanted to have a voice in said governing, they were the majority after all. The birth of the "Tribunes Of The People" which was stones that stated the rules of both Patricians and Plebeians. Some time later the Roman government became a Republic and split itself into three segments. There was the Senate, which was made of Patricians and unusually wealthy Plebeians.The Assembly was the second part of this government. It was made of the Plebeian class and It elected Consuls, the leader of the Assembly. They choose who is elected in the Senate and to become one, you must be popular in the Assembly, or Plebeians. The Consuls also led the army into battle whenever Rome got into war or to suppress a rebellion. …show more content…

For you see, it is not dissimilar to Americas Government of a mixed Democracy! They too have three branches of government and a leader. Similar to Caesar in Rome...perhaps more than we know. The government in Rome is tightly intertwined with how the people are treated, where and how conquered lands are used, and where Romes money is used. Honestly, the people, the citizens of Rome, have more power than they know. See, if the Consul or Emperor does something to make the people angry but for their benefit, he will be labeled as a tyrant for history since the majority of Rome is its citizens that can spread word faster than any politician could ever hope of

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