
Pledge Of Allegiance

Decent Essays

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” The Pledge of Allegiance can be heard in classrooms all around the country at the beginning of the day. However, many people question if the pledge can be applied to all aspects of the daily life of an American. Does everyone have the liberty and justice the pledge states all people have? Is America, as a country, indivisible? Being American, these words mean everything to the way our lives are lived. Patriotism, unification, and opportunity pave the way for success in the United States and define what it means everyday to be an American. The unification of American …show more content…

Americans show patriotism on the Fourth of July when the colors red, white, and blue are worn and celebrations of revolution and freedom are shown through fireworks. Americans show patriotism in negative situations such as September 11th, 2001 when strength is shown by coming together as one in unity. Written by John McCain, the essay “Veterans Day: Never Forget Their Duty” recounts the experience as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. McCain describe the actions of another prisoner, Mike Christian. Christian showed patriotism in a negative situation (captivity) by sewing an American flag into the inside of his shirt because he “knew how important it was for [the POW’s] to be able to pledge allegiance to [the] flag and country” (McCain, 6), despite being beaten for his actions. Americans show patriotism in their daily routines by saying the pledge, going to football games and standing during the National Anthem, and even just by staying informed with what is going on in America. The support given to those who need it, such as hurricane victims or those affected by terrorist attacks within America, is a patriotic act and helps to unify the country. We classify as musicians, athletes, teachers, and engineers. We classify as Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. We classify as Midwesterners, Northerners, Southerners, and Easterners. But most importantly, through our …show more content…

America thrives on its concept of free speech and democratic government that gives the opportunity to have a voice in the world. Many immigrants come to the United States for new opportunities and ways to express themselves with “[hearts] and [souls] pregnant with the unlived lives of generations clamoring for expression” (Yezierska, 19). Because of oppression and limitations in the lives of immigrants in home countries, the United States is seen as a safe haven and a place to show the creativity and ideas that were once frowned upon. The State of Liberty is a symbol of such freedom and opportunity to many immigrants coming to the United States as well. However, some groups of people are attempting to hinder the access to new opportunities in America to others. This can be seen through actions like building walls and/or borders to keep people out, travel bans from the Middle East and other areas where war and destruction are high, and DACA policy removals (which currently affect 800,000 children and young adults in America). These actions are not American and go against the very definition of being American. Those who are fighting to keep these policies and to open up our borders to those in need, however, fit the definition of what it means to be an American. These citizens who use their own freedoms and rights within American help others gain the same respect are people that can be

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