
Plot Structures In A Sound Of Thunder By Aldous Hudbury

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“Then the hero defeated the evil doer and saved the princess, winning her love with his heroism!” Cliches like this are what society is starting to grow bored with. Many stories go with the same classic image of the portrayals of typical character roles. Plot structures are becoming more and more transparent with no real substance to the character's development or anything substantial to the plot. However, some novelists are starting to branch off from that stereotypical structure into something that differentiates themselves. Ray Bradbury, known as one the best, if not the best, science fiction writers of our time wrote one particular short story, “A Sound of
Thunder.” This piece is about a common science fiction topic, time travel. However, instead of glorifying the wonders of time travel and the possibilities of what could be considered an idealistic dream machine, Bradbury shows the consequences of dabbling with space and time.
Exploring themes of death, fear, and drastic change, Bradbury was no longer part of the cliche bubble of science fiction. Another piece that greatly differentiated itself from other works of similar topics was Aldous Huxley’s piece Brave New World. This piece is satire of the societal problems of the time it was written, during the Great Depression. The piece’s “protagonist” was by no means, the typical knight in shining armor. He had in depth character development that led to corruption instead of salvation contrary to the common day portrayal of

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