
Pocahontas Rhetorical Analysis

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A young Native American woman is walking in the forest, she has “a wasp waist, sexy hips and legs, and breasts that are truly impressive” (Kilpatrick 30). According to Jacquelyn Kilpatrick, these descriptions about Pocahontas's appearance in the Disney movie are not true according to history. Kilpatrick uses a sarcastic tone to explain her feeling about the facts that Disney changes the true about the story of Pocahontas. This is an effective way to persuade the readers to agree with Kilpatrick’s idea about that the Pocahontas’s story should be follow the true history instead of revising the story to make it entertainment for the children. In the essay, Kilpatrick argues that Disney changes the true history about Pocahontas in their own movie and make this story turns out to be entertain to people. Kilpatrick sarcastically said that unlike some fictional characters that appear in fictions, “Pocahontas was a real woman who lived during the pivotal time of first contact with the outside force that would ultimately decimate her people” (Kilpatrick 29). Pocahontas was a part of the real history that have existed during the …show more content…

The movie’s producer, James Pentecost “changes that were made were due to the fact that Pocahontas’s real story was simply too long [and] [they] decided to dramatize what [they] felt was the essence of Pocahontas” (29). Which it means that the story of Pocahontas would completely change from the real history. The main point in the movie would be Pocahontas tries to save John Smith from death. However, “Smith’s report of Pocahontas’s brave act in saving his life was nowhere to be found in his initial description of his capture by Powhatan in 1608” (29). From this idea, it would be correct to say that Pocahontas never meet John Smith in real life because there are no evidences to support the

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