
Poem "Lucifer in the Starlight": New Meanings and Ideas

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Poem "Lucifer in the Starlight": New Meanings and Ideas Examining a poem in detail can bring out new meanings and ideas. By careful analysis, the full beauty of the poem can be appreciated. The poem "Lucifer in Starlight (p. 959)", by George Meredith, can be analyzed to refine the authors purpose, by examining every subtle hint, every possibility, for a deeper theme. Also, "deciphering" formal literary techniques such as metaphor, connotation, and symbolism is the key to unlock other expressions. The main theme of the poem is that Lucifer has no place out of his hell, and anything he tries to reenter heaven is futile. As with any poem, it is best to first examine how the title, "Lucifer in Starlight" relates to the body of the poem. …show more content…

Perhaps this is because Meredith is trying to show Lucifer's domination. Also the poem follows the sonnet's form of fourteen lines, but there are not quatrains. Instead there Are sections of 5, 5, 2, and a final couplet. By deviated from the standard, Meredith creates a brilliant work of art. In this exceptional work, Meredith shows the menace of the devil, and then his helplessness against god. The devil has only one home, which is hell, and Meredith proves that. Meredith combines irony, with his own distinctive style and tone, to portray the ordeal quite realistically. By the caliber of Meredith's writing, this poem is worthy for more than just a place in a English

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