
Point Of View In Timothy Findley's The Wars

Decent Essays

“In those things toward which we exerted our best endeavors we succeeded” (Classon). Everyone goes through hardships, however they are experienced disparately. In a narrative, an author chooses a point of view specific to emphasize certain aspects of their narrative. The two types of point of views employed in “The Wars,” “Mrs. Akbar,” and “Fronteras Americanas” are first person and third person omniscient, respectively. Third person omniscient point of view is an “all-knowing kind of narrator” (“Omniscient Narrator”) that has “full knowledge of the story’s events and of the motives and unspoken thoughts of various characters” (“Omniscient Narrator”). First person point of view is a type of narrative where the “protagonist relates their story” (“First Person”), using the pronoun ‘I’. Timothy Findley’s “The Wars” follows the life of a young man after the death of his sister. Remorseful that it occurred on his watch, he enlists in World War I in attempt to escape his grief. Written in third person omniscient point of view, the author not only confers with Robert Ross the protagonist, but many other characters and their inner turmoil all focused around the journey of war. Mariam Pirbhai’s “Mrs. Akbar” depicts the difficulties faced by an immigrant woman in keeping her family tied to their native roots. Also written in third person omniscient point of view, the author shows both the mothers and daughters outlooks. Guillermo Verdecchia’s “Fronteras Americanas” translating in

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