
Point of View About Vietnan War

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Maria Elda Torres English 1 A Paper 3 April - 30 - 2012 Point of views about Vietnam War Two known men gave his own points of view regarding the war in Vietnam on a speech. A preacher named Martin Luther King was one of those men. He joined in meeting to speak why he had some reasons to stop the war in Vietnam using a compassion way. The other man was the president of the united state Lyndon B Johnson. In contras of King he used a lot of patriotism on his speech when he explained people why they have sent soldiers to Vietnam. Even though both speakers gave us effective speeches, I was more connected with Martin Luther King’s speech than Lyndon B Johnson’s speech. Martin Luther …show more content…

Also, taking them to war is the most cruel thing that could happen those soldiers. According to Johnson, “the war is dirty and brutal and difficult. And some 400 young men, born into an America that is bursting with opportunity and promise, have ended their lives on Viet-Nam’s steaming soil.” he explained that war is brutal and many soldiers have died, however; he did not mention that those soldiers fight for freedom when they do not have it in their own country. In addition, he said that each president of America has made a promise to help and support the Vietnamese independence. Johnson says, “Since 1954 every American president has offered support to the people of south Viet-Nam.” Even though he tried to convince people explain how breaking that promise would damage the president’s reputation, he did not convince me. Martin Luther King description of the poor is more effective than Lyndon’s speech. Explaining King regarding the programs for poor people could not have and the fight that war did in poor families. Those points were powerful and touch my feelings as mother. First, I have two kids and they are being raised in a poor community were we depend a lot much on government programs. For example, the schools have programs after school where my kids can stay

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