
Police Body Worn Cameras : An Tool For Law Enforcement

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The recent series of alleged excessive force by police has brought into question the life-altering topic of police being issued body-worn cameras in an attempt to cut down on officer-involved shootings and abuse my law enforcement. This all came to a culmination with the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Barrack Obama, who seems to be eager to address some concerns and totally blind to others, has proposed funding millions of dollars to get police body-worn cameras to stop the alleged police abuse.
Among the police officials whose agencies use body-worn cameras, there is a general view that the body-worn cameras provide a valuable tool for law enforcement. For these agencies, the alleged benefits that body-worn cameras offer such as capturing a video recording of critical incidents and encounters with the public, reinforcing police liability, and providing an indispensable type of evidence, basically offset the possible disadvantages.
The police officials whom Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) asked mentioned numerous ways in which body-worn cameras have assisted their agencies toughen liability and transparency. These officials said that, by furnishing a video record of police activity, body-worn cameras have made their jobs more transparent to the public and have helped decide questions following a meeting between officers and the public. These officials also believed that body-worn cameras are helping to avoid complications from arising in the first place

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