
Police Brutality Against African American Research Paper

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“Don’t Shoot”, a young African American male says to the police before they shoot him multiple times killing him. He was eighteen year old Michael Brown, and his death shed light on the ongoing issue of police brutality against African Americans. Police brutality is the use of unnecessary force on individuals by law enforcement. These civilians mostly be minorities especially African Americans. Police brutality toys with human rights and violates the fourteenth amendment. In the Constitution, The Fourteenth Amendment states that “States cannot make or put into effect any laws that restrict the rewards or protections of any citizen of America. No state can remove any citizen’s life, freedom, or belong­ings without right use of the regulation. Everyone is given the equal protec­tion under the law.”(United States Constitution). Police brutality against African Americans is a serious civil problem, but in order to stop police brutality, Americans must diversify police departments, eliminate racial profiling, instill body cameras, and focus the fight of police brutality on local and state levels. Police brutality makes people wonder “are our officers of the law really doing their job or am I next?” This causes people to lose faith and trust among the police force. According to HuffPost, journalist …show more content…

Profiling ruins trust between police and communities, and causes racial tension. According to American Civil Liberties Union, “Racial profiling greatly impacts a wide selection on people of color”(ACLU). A way to fix the problem is to allow police more openness to communities of color and educational training on racial bias. Stereotyping is the main reason why many minorities are stopped by the police. If police are held accountable for their decisions, then that would also decrease profiling. Police should also undergo racial bias training so they do not stereotype

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