
Police Brutality Within The African American Community

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Asad Bidiwala RHE 306 August 13, 2015 Police Brutality within the African-American Community The specific audience of my argumentation is the racially ignorant white populations that refuse to acknowledge the idea that police brutality towards the African-American race is evident amongst our society. The racially ignorant white population assumes that police brutality is used as a defense mechanism rather than an appeal to racism towards African-Americans. This hostile audience becomes uncomfortable when asked to discuss police brutality towards the minorities and would rather disregard or ignore the conversation. Thus, they may not initially agree with my arguments because it might be difficult for them to comprehend the idea that African-Americans are being subjected to racial cruelty. My goal is to persuade the ignorant white populations about police brutality amongst African-Americans so they become more aware and can help support the abolishment of the cruelty minorities are faced with. Some people refuse to believe that police brutality exists towards the African-American culture. But, how can you ignore that? How do you ignore the multiple cases of Blacks being gunned downed by the police just because of their color? The more that the racially ignorant White population disregard the severity of the issue, the more I feel obligated to address it. The abrupt actions and misjudgment of situations provide reasons to how police brutality is existent towards the

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