
Police Brutality Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Police brutality is a major issue, it happens when a police officer uses excessive force to apprehend someone, resulting in the convict to be badly injured or then killed. The idea of issuing police officers wear body cameras arose. Wearing the cameras will help prevent the events such as the case with Slager. Maybe the cameras will benefit this country. Some acts of police brutality are over looked because the officer states he/she only did it in self-defense. In the case of 33 year old Michael Slager, that was not the case. Slager killed an unarmed African American man named Walter Scott. Shooting him eight times in the back. Michael stated that Walter took his tazer and the officer feared for his life. He used a simple story structure, “He struggled/reached for my gun/Taser/weapon. I feared for my safety. I thought my life was in danger."(Police Body Cameras) Later a video was posted to social media by Feidin Santana, showing the two men struggling then Scott running away. Slager planted the tazer beside Scott’s body. Michael Slager was later charged with murder.
Cameras are already attached to the dash of the police officers vehicles but they only capture what is in front of them. The cameras don’t film the whole picture …show more content…

There are instances people don’t cooperate because of the trust issues between them. Hopefully the cameras can reestablish the connection between police and citizens. Soon they may realize this task will much harder to complete. Some may say it a breach of privacy, “particularly in instances in which encounters with police occur in a private home.” (Police Body Cameras) This is one of the main concerns with body cameras, nobody wants to be film inside his/her own home. Also the cameras are expensive at a large scale. “Body cameras can cost in the range of $100 upward to $1,500...” (Ignasiak) It’s not rational idea to issue all officers with cameras the cost will be too

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