Media is one of the main methods of spreading the news about police brutality. Thus, the messages that are created are at the mercy of the individual person who writes the story for that source. Depending on their framework, a message can be delivered with the influence to intensify or reduce the effect of a situation. Many news sources like, CNN, Fox News, and NBC have made multiple reports about police brutality. For example, recent articles accessible on the Internet read as follows: “Police brutality toward Latinos us unacceptable,” “The dangerous militarization of our police,” and “Paintings shows the casual violence of colonial masters [in reference to police brutality].” These are some of many examples that the media has molded the
The police was arresting a overweight African American. While they were arresting him he had a asthma attack but while the man was trying to grab for his inhaler while he was trying to show the officers that he couldn’t threw him on the ground and forced him to put his hands behind his back, and in the mix of all that he died of a asthma attack. In America today there is a problem with police brutality, there are a lot of cases were the police beats or either kills the victim in minor events, also.
Police and Law enforcement have been protecting the public for a long time. Especially in the United States of America, "first American police department was established in Boston in 1838" (Nodjimbadem 3). Since the first establishment of a police department to enforce law and order in the United States things have changes over time. This change over time can allow people, ideas and other things good or bad to enter which could lead to excessive and violent force or appropriate and pleasant force dealing with Police Brutality. The idea of Police Brutality stems from the brutal policing victims received.
In closing police brutality can and will eventually create public outcry that may end in more complainants or violence protest. It is up to the department leaders to make sure their patrolling officers are treating everybody with respect and also upholding the standards of law enforcement personnel everywhere. As noted in the Rodney King beating the physical abuse that he suffered was captured on video. Still the world could not believe that another human being would be so hatful, and yet other police officers watched and did nothing. The effects of that brutal encounter still linger today and just years ago there was the Ferguson, Missouri incident that revealed years of police brutality and corruption against the minority section
The police are pronouncing a campaign of domination and restraint of populations and that movement has the understood endorsement of every citizen within their precincts. This is not a reprobate officer difficulty; this is a cad society crisis (Russell, 2000). Police brutality is the manifestation of a race issue that has been growing over an extensive period of time. Police brutality cannot be fought without addressing the core issue of racism and proper measures of reform through the auspices of the law. It is important that we as a nation set aside time to really discuss the issues that surround institutional racism and institutional bias that creates the stigma that surrounds the African-American population. The police are simply mediums
It is crazy how much police brutality goes on in the United States. Some names of popular cases are Philando Castile, Rekia Boyd, and Tamir Rice (Lopez, Johnson 6). Is it a coincidence that all three people that were just listed are African American, or that the majority of police brutality cases involve people who are not white? Racial corruption exists in the judicial system as shown by unlawful shootings, stereotypes, and stand-your-ground laws. Somebody has to stand up and do something; everybody has to stand up and do something. But how can anything be accomplished if citizens are just shut down, laughed at and problems only get recognized for about a week or even a couple months and then forgotten about? This is a clear, known issue throughout
There are distinctive differences between use of force, excessive force, and brutality. What is meant by use of force, is the force that was essential while making that arrest, for example, an arrestee trying to fight back. What is meant by excessive force is the result of a lack of training and a violation of a person’s constitutional rights. Brutality is the physical violence done by a police officer. It is very important to first understand what each of the terms mean in order to better understand police brutality.
Historically, minorities have been victims of police brutality in the United States. Since the middle of the 19th century a dominant white social class maintained racial injustice through a police force willing to use violence against minorities. This violence expressed itself in the years immediately after the civil war through brutality in various forms. America has a lengthy an disgraceful tradition of police brutality to attain a sense of law and order in its society. Police misconduct can be described as any inappropriate behavior on the part of any law enforcement officer that is either illegal or immoral or both. Law enforcement agents are should behave to a standard that is greater than the average civilian. Police brutality comes from
Other papers or videos that have been done on this subject are “Police Brutality Raises Social Media Shock Waves”, “Police Brutality Suit”, “Police Brutality” and “Man Sues Portland, Claims Police Brutality”. I found these article by searching the Rio Salado College Library Article Databases. These sources are perfect for my research project because they share the same values and beliefs as me; most importantly they share the same goal as me. An overview of the “Police Brutality Raises Social Media Shock Waves” article discusses the difference that social media has done in our society. This article discusses various footages that show terrible violence. In one incident an officer puts his boot on 17-year-old Marcel Hamer and then pushes him knocking him out. Another incident that was discussed in this article was 43-year-old Erick Garner, who was choked to death as officers were subduing him. This article
One day a boy named Tyrone and his father were on there way to Six Flags when they were pulled over by a police officer. The cop walked up to the vehicle and Tyrone’s dad asked the officer why he was pulled over. Then the cop asked Blue, Tyrone 's dad, to step out the car so he stepped out the car and the officer searched him. After that Blue tried to take off his jacket but the officer thought he had a gun and pulled out his weapon and shot Blue in his face in front of his 10 year old son. Blue was rushed to the hospital he was in critical condition, Blue died later that night. Police shouldn’t be able to get away with police brutality because officers are responsible
People of color have been dealing with police brutality for many years, usually more than people of white or Caucasian descent, however, police brutality towards people of color has been getting even worse within the past couple of years.
Throughout numerous centuries police brutality has been a consecutive issue in the world. But rather than trying to help solve the conflict, governments ignore the cruelty that goes on in the police department by police officers such as killing, beating and abusing their power on innocent civilians and incarcerated people. What’s bazaar is that the reasons it happens, police officers target minorities and inmates to perform these cruel acts of behavior being they know that they are the most vulnerable in this society. Maybe if the government was more involved in these complications; there would be more of a sense hope to solve and prevent this matter. If the government were to place certain laws and consequences that would be followed by police officers this could seize the thought that being a police officer you can do what you want considering as we can see today most cops get off on petty convictions or with no conviction at all. They need to change the way the courts try officers, the way the academy train them, or even show a sense of care for their citizens then police brutality could eventually vanish.
Police brutality is a very big problem in America. There are many reports of Police brutality every year, Some of those cases the officer is fully responsible for his actions, and other times the victims played a part in antagonizing the officer. Police have misused their power for a while now, but recently it’s been more publicized. In this year alone, there has been an extreme jump in police brutality and the publication of it.
Police brutality against black men in America is thought to be something that does not exist anymore due to the civil rights movement in 1955-1968. Unfortunately, a statistic shows a black suspect is killed by a white police officer twice a week. (McKay) “While African-Americans constitute 13.1% of the nation’s population, they make up nearly 40% of the prison’s population. Even though African-Americans use or sell drugs about the same rate as whites, they are 2.8 to 5.5 times more likely to be arrested for drugs than whites.” (Hudson) These statistics confirm that not only are black people more like to be victims of fatal police brutality, they are also more likely to be convicted for a crime as well.
Police brutality is one of the most serious and divisive human rights violations in the United States and it occurs in every community. The job of a police officer is to maintain public order, prevent, and detect crime. They are engaged in a dangerous and stressful occupation that can involve violent situations that must be controlled. In many of these confrontations with the public it may become necessary for the police to administer force to take control of a situation. Sometimes this force takes the form of hand to hand combat with a suspect who resists being arrested. Not all police officers in communities are good cops. At least once a year the news is covering a story about a person
Over the past few years police brutality and the use of deadly force on their part has risen very rapidly. It has always been around but the death of Michael Brown back in August of 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri was one of the very first cases that started the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States. Here in the U.S. the use of deadly force by a sworn police officer is only lawful when the officer has reason to believe that the subject he/she is pursuing poses a threat of serious bodily injury or death to themselves or others. The New York times posted an analysis of F.B.I. data from 2010-2012 concluded that the police killed African American men ages 15 to 19 at a rate 21 times greater than the statistic for white men the same age. The department of Justice Numbers indicates that a black man or woman is about four times more likely to die in custody or while being arrested than a white person.