
Police Misconduct And Criminal Crime

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While police officers have many responsibilities, one of their primary duties is to protect and serve their community. Due to the power given to police officers and the stresses that accompany that power, police departments across time and the world have turned up some kind of police misconduct or corruption. There are thousands of instances in which the power of an officer has been exercised unethically and unlawfully.
Police misconduct and corruption is one of the oldest problems in the police force. Forms of police misconduct can include police crime, occupational crime, corruption, and abuse of authority. Within these forms lie actions of delinquency, which can include, but are not limited to police brutality, illegal stops, or taking advantage of business owners in exchange of a blind eye, mooching, favoritism, prejudice and racial profiling, extortion, or perjury. Misconduct among police officers can also include negligence and carelessness. While ending police misconduct is crucial, it has proven difficult because of the challenge of defining what constitutes as misconduct, and because misconduct or corruption can go undetected for long amounts of time.
Police misconduct and corruption have been around as long as professional policing has. The origin and development of professional policing began in the early nineteenth century under the direction of England’s Home Secretary, Sir Robert Peel. Peel implemented the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, which

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