
Police Officer Judy Hopps In The Film Zootopia

Decent Essays

Tiny but tenacious, Police Officer Judy Hopps, the protagonist in Disney Studios’ 2016 Oscar-winning film Zootopia, embodies the core values of determination, optimism, compassion, and intelligence -- attributes I strive to emulate on a daily basis. While comparing myself to an animated pink-nosed bunny may seem comical, I feel strongly connected to Judy’s character, recognizing elements of myself in her spirited disposition and steadfast attitude. With a point to prove and a dream to fulfill, Judy Hopps sets out into the fictitious bustling city of Zootopia to become the first-ever bunny officer, despite the odds against her. She trains relentlessly in order to overcome the colossal challenge of being the smallest animal in her police academy and soon achieves her goal, even graduating at the top of her class. This motivation to succeed is a trait that I wholly understand and relate to in many regards. In fact, I faced a struggle almost identical to Judy’s when I enrolled in a Red Cross lifeguard certification course last year. Clearly the shortest person in the class, I had to tread water even during the “shallow water” drills and had more difficulty with certain types of maneuvers than most others due to my height. Nevertheless, I persevered and became a lifeguard; my inner-drive refused …show more content…

Whether she’s chasing down villains or comforting victims, Judy is consistently upbeat and considerate of others, never losing sight of her ultimate aspiration: to make the world a better place. Although I’m not quite as naive as Judy, I definitely can relate to her idealistic positivity. Among my high school peers, I am unequivocally considered the “nice one,” the reliable cheerer-upper and morale-booster. If someone is stressed about a test or class assignment, I instinctively reassure them of their strengths and remind them to look on the bright side -- the weekend is never too far

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