
Political Economy Of The Haitian Revolution

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Political Economy I will investigate the deplorable lack of social mobility because of a weakened economic system and inadequate opportunities for employment. In the 18th century, Haiti was one of the wealthiest colonies in Americas, mainly because of Slavery which made serious profits for a white-French ruling class from the export of lumber, sugar cane, and tobacco at higher prices in Europe. In the modern era, Haiti’s government has been drained out by corruption and since the beginning of the 20th century is plagued by the neocolonial legacies of having low investments in health, education, agriculture, etc. After the Haitian Revolution, black and creole elites took power from french landowners; those who weren’t assassinated escaped back to France, Jamaica, or any other nearby island. This revolution turned the gear in the system forcing slavery to be abolished, however, new Creole-black ruling classes got divided into those who were still in favor of slavery and those who were not, creating an almost instant civil war.
B.A.M.R.H.S.- Journal Notes
Haiti had to pay reparations after their revolution, a method of compensation money to France due to the damage done to their property, “appropriation of French lands, death of white-french civilians, destruction of products owned by french ruling class in Haiti, boats destroyed during the french-haitian war”, (Krane 214), this was of course a french strategy to avoid any more bloodshed on their side (neocolonial?).

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