
Political Ideologies During The Cold War

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The cold war was a conflict that arose between the United States of America and the USSR after the second world war as they both fought to maintain their spheres of influence and promote their political ideologies. While it would be easy to simply categorise the different ways the two superpowers were in competition with each other, in this essay I will prove that the Cold War was simply a war of ideologies. Both countries believed themselves champions of justice and freedom. The United States saw these as values as synonymous with democracy and free market capitalism. In contrast, the USSR believed it was carrying out the ideals of the communist revolution and sought to realise the Marxist vision of society by freeing the workers of the world from the oppression of capitalism. The stark ideological differences created a situation where there was no conceivable avenue for compromise, which meant that the war would not be over when a small battle was lost, but only when one of the two superpowers gave up their respective ideology. …show more content…

In turn, Cold War propaganda sought to promote the virtues and benefits of one political and economic system while demonising the other and criticising it. The united states had the greater cultural reach and pro American values were frequently promoted in film, cinema, music, television, art and literature. According to the former Director of the US Information Agency’s Television and Film

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