
Political Party Research Paper

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Political party research:Presidential election 2016 There are 6 different parties that you can vote for but after reading the solutions to problems that we will fix, you too will want to go green. Presidential candidates: On May 14,1950 Jill Stein was born in Chicago and raised in Highland park,illinois.She graduated from Harvard college in 1973 and graduated from Harvard medical school in 1979. She lives with her husband in Lexington and they have two grown sons who also went into the medical field.Jill is a mother, organizer, physician, and pioneering environmental-health adviser.She was the green party's 2012 candidate and holds the world record for most votes ever received by a woman candidate.Jill has lead initiatives to fight environmental …show more content…

They will do this goal by making sure everyone has access to a secure job that pays at least living wage building an economy that for working for everyone instead of just those that are privileged. Restoring public service to public hands will ensure the interest of the people that use them. By investing in renewable energy and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels it will help build a stable and sustainable society to protect our planet from major climate building more social rented homes and bring abandoned building back into use it will ensure everyone has a secure and afforable place to …show more content…

Jill plans on ending poverty by guaranteeing economic human rights including access to food,water, housing, and utilities. She plans on making Health Care as a Right by establishing an improved “medicare for all” providing everyone with health care, no-copays,premiums or deductibles.There will be no restrictions based on pre-existing illness,employment, immigration status, or age. Jill’s plan on making Education as a Right by not relying on high stake test that reflect economic status of the community and punish teachers for working in low income communities. She plans on Just Economy by granting a living wage job for all, set a $15 hour federal minimum wage,provide full protection for workplace rights, including the rights to a safe workspace and the right to organize a union without fear of firing or reprisal by passing the Employee free choice act. She plans on

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