
Political Philosophers : Reconstruction

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Political Philosophers: Reconstruction
Following the Civil War, America was seeping with racial tension. Jim Crow laws were on the rise, as were miscegenation laws and lynchings. This proved that while blacks were free of slavery, their struggle for equality was far from over. With racial integration out of the question, prominent black leaders were forced to pull their resources and rethink their political strategies. Some of these leaders were Booker T. Washington, W.E.B Du Bois, Alexander Crummell, and Marcus Garvey. These four men’s political philosophies played a vital role in revitalizing black nationalism, cultural pride, and civil liberties at a time when all of these things seemed out of reach.
Alexander Crummell was born in New …show more content…

Additionally, he conducted annual research conferences at Atlanta University and stressed that future black leaders must utilize the best education that 's available to them to uplift the race and in turn challenge white supremacy. Essentially, Du Bois envisioned a very elitist approach to black leadership. He felt that that by providing the most rigorous curriculum to the most academically talented blacks, he could eventually create what he called the “talented tenth,” which was a cohort of black leaders who had an obligation to lead and uplift the rest of the black community. Du Bois’ leadership initiated multiple national and international developments such as an exhibit for the 1900 Paris World’s Fair that highlighted many African American’s achievements since emancipation.1 He led the African American delegation to the first Pan-African congress in London. In 1905, Du Bois helped launch the Niagara Movement. This was a militant protest organization of black professionals that attempted to revamp national black civil rights. Some of the specific goals outlined in the declaration of principles for the Niagara Movement were voting rights, equal educational opportunities, and opposition to segregation. Du Bois’ ideologies are often compared to those of Booker T. Washington because both men were dedicated to their people’s elevation, full freedom, and equality. The main difference between their views was Washington’s

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