
Political Theories And Crime Control Essay

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In the past 30 years the impact of political ideas underpinning criminological theories and crime control has marked a significant shift from earlier criminological thinking of crime, by seeing crime as legally defined and fear of crime as rational, but perspectives on victims of crime remain distinct. This essay will look at the emergence of right and left realism and its effect on crime control in the 1970s to explore the impact of political ideas, as well as the influence of public opinion as a means for driving forward political agendas. Political ideas have significantly underpinned criminological theories and crime control in the past 30 years and this is shown in the discussion in this essay.

The 1970s marked a significant shift in criminological thinking with the failures as it was argued of the liberals to control crime rates, which led to those on the right to capitalised on the idea that ‘nothing works’ and argue that the welfare state was to blame for the rise of crime rates, despite investments in welfare programmes and increase in wealth, which those on the right argued was evidence that social conditions as cause of crime was irrelevant and argue that a new view of thinking was needed. This, coupled with the pressures to deal with crime, making its way on the political agenda, saw criminological theory and crime control becoming increasing underpinned by political ideas that sort to find practical solutions to this social problem. Thus, against this

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