
Ponyboy's Loss Of Innocence In The Greasers

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Ponyboy describes himself as having “light-brown, almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes.” He also has extensive hair length, is a greaser, and is four-teen years of age. He supposedly prefers to “lone” most activities. Ponyboy has two older siblings: Sodapop, who is six-teen going on seven-teen years of age, has dark-golden hair, claims reading books is of innocence to him, and makes no effort to mature. Secondly, Darrel, often referred to as “Darry”, strenuously works, is six-foot two, and is crude with Ponyboy without spite intention. You see, “greaser” is a term referring to that of the meager, East-side teenage generation. “Socs” (abbreviation for socials) is signifying to the wealthy, West-side folk. This immense societal variance, only results in fierce enmity. Both opposing forces are rather rebellious. The “socs” bask in the brutality of bashing homes, beer shindigs, and being notified as a “public disgrace.” The greasers however, “are like hoods.” Ponyboy and his posse are stalwartly against such imprudent behavior. …show more content…

Misfortune began to arise when Ponyboy detected a red Corvair ensuing him. He began to dread. Recollection of a greaser, Johnny, who was hostile to four socs, was battered. He placed on a virile persona, and it apparently took grueling tension to make him wail, but this experience was traumatic. Ponyboy began to perspire copiously. As trying to decipher a way to defend himself, he was also recapped of Steve Randle, Soda’s preferred cohort. He fortified himself with a fragmented pop bottle. No such item was identified. Instantaneously, the scene was

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