
Poor And Developing Countries All Over The World Have Health Problems

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Poor and developing countries all over the world have health problems and are in major need of medical help. Sending aid to the countries seems like a logical solution to the problem, and can have benefits if used properly. Medical aid is any donation or service to help improve a situation by an organization or donor government. Eran Bendavid, an assistant professor in the Division of General Medicine Disciplines at Stanford University found that “Foreign aid for health care is directly linked to an increase in life expectancy and a decrease in child mortality in developing countries.” Family planning services have been known to give women social confidence and educate them on contraception methods. When more developed countries support the poorer areas it builds strategic alliances between governments. Although donated medical aid appears flawless and successful, some attempts at solutions have not been as prosperous. Most donations of medical technologies have proved to be inefficient, and lead to clutter and electrical problems in hospitals. Another problem is using more land for medical development and that can lead to major environmental problems. Even though governments in these poor countries are trying to help, they are many times in debt and have to rely on other countries for medical aid. Medical aid can help improve countries’ overall health, but to what extent are the countries actually being helped?
Organizations try to help developing countries by sending

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