
World Health Organizations: Social Determinants Of Health

Decent Essays

The World Health Organisation came up with 10 social factors known as the Social Determinants of Health (SOH) which helps people determine decisions about their health. Stress is a determinant of health that causes problems in the Otara community. People worry about whats for dinner and how bills are going to be paid due to the low employment rate and housing costs. They also worry that they cant go see the doctor due to the lack of accessibility which are examples caused by social and psychological circumstances related to stress. An increase in stress can affect the cardiovascular and immune system which can increase the risk of infection, diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, stroke and depression which has an impact on an individuals health.

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This can be done by detecting and treating a disease or injury as soon as possible to slow its progress, to prevent re injury and implementing programs to return people to their original health and function to prevent long-term problems. An example of secondary prevention is working with the community and voluntary groups to develop needs assessments and health and wellbeing strategies to provide services to patients who are unable to access health services. Having regular exams and screening tests to detect disease in its earliest stages eg mammograms to detect breast cancer is also an example of secondary prevention and nutrition and exercise programs to prevent further heart attacks or strokes.

The needs assessments is a process for determining both the needs and resources of the community which include the felt needs, expressed needs, normative needs and comparative needs. Felt needs is what people say they need eg having sore throat whereas expressed needs is putting the felt need into action eg going to see the GP for your sore throat or waiting lists to see the GP. Normative needs is determined for people by the experts based on research or professional opinion eg immunization status for school and comparative needs which is determined by comparing the services available to the people in one geographical area to another eg eating healthier and exercise regularly to decrease health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

Le Va is a non-government organisation that works alongside individuals, families, communities and services such as Vaka Tautua. They provide resources, information and support to help people with their health, wellbeing and social outcomes, to ensure they live long and healthy lives. Vaka Tautua also works alongside Manukau Institute of Technology. This is because the older persons support group hold their meetings every Tuesday in our Pacific

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