
Poppy-Personal Narrative

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It was almost time. Poppy was ready for the trip of a lifetime. She had grown up in a rather small close-knit community where everyone knew everyone else and privacy didn't seem to exist with all the nosy neighbours. This didn't really bother Poppy though as she was a real people's person and would often converse with whoever she came across. In fact, she was one of the most loved members of the village and her departure would certainly leave a huge gap. Her jokes, advice and general positive attitude were things the town would lack once she was gone. However, Poppy knew she had to see the world and meet more people. She loved interacting with the village people daily, but she craved more. So, she spent every hour possible working in the local …show more content…

It didn't stop her though. She'd make sure that all her memories were happy and full of laughter. She didn't really see a point in dwelling in the negative points from the past if they had no purpose in her future. Before leaving to say her goodbyes, she peered out of the window. Rain. Putting on her coat and with a smile on her face, like she always had, she left the house into the downpour. There was no way she would let the rain stop her. A few hours later and she was back. Drenched but still smiling. Replays of the jokes and general chit chat whirled round her mind and she was happy. She felt more alive than before. Poppy dried off quickly then checked her luggage over once more, hoping that she wouldn't forget anything important. When she felt there was nothing more she could do to prepare, she scooped up her bag and left quickly. She was way too excited for this adventure. She really hoped she'd discover more about herself as well as many other cultures, people and just about life in general. Her adventure had just

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