
Essay about Popular Budget Vegetable Container Gardening Ideas

Decent Essays

Container gardening is more than a notion! What was a growing trend has become serious business. With national economy continuing to spin in negative space…with more and more people taking charge of their own health…with eco-consciousness at an all-time high, it makes sense to grow your own vegetables.

If you're concerned about upfront cost, we've gathered the best of the best ideas for container gardening on-the-cheap.

Innovative Containers

Wouldn't it be lovely to grow veggies in a hand-painted china container? Lovely, but not exactly cost effective! Here are a few ideas on how to obtain cheap-to-free containers.

• Garage Sales – come spring garage sales, estate sales and block sales suddenly sprout-up like stinging nettles. …show more content…

Right Size Container

Congratulations on using your ingenuity to obtain a stash of containers. Now, you need to put every vegetable in his correct sized pot. Here are a few suggestions for vegetables that thrive in containers:

• Broccoli – One plant per 5-gallon container
• Tomatoes - One plant per 5-gallon pot
• Peppers – One plant per 2-gallon container
• Carrots – 5-gallon container, minimum 12" deep
• Squash – One plant per 2-gallon pot. Tip: the pinstriped squash is a conversation starter and tastes yummy!
• Cucumber – One plant per 5-gallon pot
• Onions – 5-gallon wooden planter or pot
• Garlic – needs 8" deep container – hand painted china pot?

Free Seeds or Money-Off Coupons

• Gardening Catalogs – In order to keep ahead of competition, many gardening catalogs advertise through money-off coupons. When you receive your order it will usually include free seed packets.
• Friends or Colleagues – Do you have friends or coworkers who are obsessed with gardening? Consider hosing a seed swap. Have everyone bring a dessert and spare seeds to swap. Brew a pot of coffee and let the fun begin!
• Online Seed Swaps – Check the internet for seed swap websites. Most people will send seeds free, provided you pay the postage.
• Seeds from the Cupboard – Virtually any seeds from your pantry make fair game for planting. Get a few dried beans or peas such as lentils, red beans and chick peas from the pantry. Put in a pot and cover with

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