
Essay about Pornography's Effects on Relationships

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Pornography's Effects on Relationships

When it comes to relationships there are many things that need to be present in order for it to work out. You must have support from both sides and honesty is also a big factor. When pornography enters a relationship it can be destroyed and could possible ruin that relationship forever. This essay will be able to inform you of all the ways that pornography can and does ruin relationships. Support for this argument will be drawn from the following sources: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Love, Sex, and Health, and The Question of Pornography.

First of all trust is one of the biggest factors when it comes to being in a relationship. It there is no trust it could all easily fall apart. …show more content…

When women find out that men went behind their backs and even lied to them this is when the relationship takes a turn for the worse. Women take lying very seriously and when they find out they have been lied to, it causes a lot of disappointment. Most relationships end at this point because honesty is no longer present in their relationship.

Pornography can take a toll on women’s emotions as well as their self-esteem. When women first find out that their husbands have been using pornography they begin to feel that is their fault. They start to put themselves down and think that they are “sexually undesirable, worthless, weak, and stupid” (Bergner 194). For many women this could mean a big time emotional break down. Women begin to think that their husbands are using pornography because they cannot satisfy them and make them happier than the other women that they are looking at. Bergner points out that “men don’t understand what they cause their partners to feel once they have found out about their ‘second life.’” Women feel that they are constantly being compared to porn stars and not looked at for whom they really are. This makes them think that whenever they do engage in sexual activities that their husbands are not thinking about them, they are thinking about the women that they have been looking at. Bergner explains that “most relationships are ended at this point because these women will never fell the same

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