
Portrayal Of Women In Antigone

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In the play, ‘The Burial at Thebes’ Antigone, the daughter and the sister of Oedipus, is the tragic heroine of the play. The character of Antigone is portrayed very differently as it breaks the stereotypes of the typical portrayal of women is the society. In the first moments of the play, as the plot develops and characters enfold, Antigone is produced as a rebel from the onset itself. Her character is countered to her radiant sister Ismene. She was never as beautiful and as docile as her sister Ismene but was brave, scrawny, recalcitrant, withdrawn and stubborn brat of the family. The early plot reveals that Antigone has a boyish physique and thus curses her girlhood. She being the antithesis of the histrionic heroine envies the beautiful Ismene. Due to these factors, Antigone has always been complicated as a person, she grew up terrorizing Ismene as a child and refusing to "understand" the limits placed on her and this attribute of her character later dominants her resulting in tragedy. Ismene, on the other hand, is entire of this world, the object of all men's desires, so Antigone’s jealousy is justified.
After Antigone’s father went into exile, Antigone and her sister were brought up in the house of Creon. Polyneices and Eteocles are her two brothers who lead opposite sides in Thebes' civil war and get killed in the battle leaving Antigone and Ismene as the last of the Labdacus family.
After her brothers became the casualties in a brutal war for power, the terrible war

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