
Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games

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“You know playing video games is going to rot your brain!” A saying anyone who grew up playing video games has likely heard. Since the release of the first video game in 1971 the general masses viewed them with disregard. Parents and media alike only saw these electronic games as a new way for people to erode their brain with bright flashing lights and mindless, repetitive actions. Fast forward thirty or so years later, studies started to emerge trying to find out the true effect video games have on the mind. Some did prove that the speculation was an actual truth, while others proved that playing could do the brain some good. The findings of theses studies concluded that playing video games has both positive and negative effects on the brain all dependent on what type of game is played and for how long.
Studies and Results At the start of the twenty-first century the first studies centered around cognitive science and video gaming emerged. From there, multiple other studies of a similar caliber came on the scene, further exploring the relationship of gaming and the possibility of training the brain. All of the investigations based their findings on the stimulation that results when a person plays what is considered to be an action video game, such as Call of Duty or Battlefield. That is to say games that involve the player to perform actions, including; collecting objects, avoiding obstacles or fight enemies. In a study the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at

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