
Positive Bias In Paper Tigers

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“Paper tigers” can be there one moment and disappear the following second. “Paper tigers” could be anxiety, stress, or anything that your mind could see as a threat. For me, my “paper tigers” are large crowds and tall people. My parents played into that by saying “You are our surprise present and people can easily pick you up and carry you off”. After hearing that, I tried to stay away from large crowds or tall people. If I was around those triggers, I would have a panic attack even though none of the people were trying to hurt me. I would see them hurting me mentally, even though there was no physical damage. That being said, the mind is constantly playing tricks on you; the mind focuses on the negatives and rarely focuses on the positives. However, some condition their minds to only discern the positives. By recognizing our negativity biases, there is a connection with the idea of changing our prior negativity bias into a positive bias; therefore, some parents nurture their child in an environment that encourages a positive bias. In Rick Hanson's article, he makes ample connections to a negativity bias, yet does not focus on the fact that there remains a possibility of a positive bias. In this paper we will discus the negativity bias, how some condition their minds to see the positives, and the three mistakes. Rick Hanson, psychologist, best-selling author, and summa cumlaude of UCLA, wrote “Negativity Bias and Paper Tigers” on October 3, 2010. The Huffington Post

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