
Positive Effects Of Comprehensive Sexual Education

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Comprehensive sexual education is sexual education that includes " contraception, including emergency contraception; reproductive choice; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), and questioning issues; as well as, of course, anatomy; development; puberty; relationships; and all of the other issues one would expect to be covered in a traditional sexuality education class. Furthermore, comprehensive sexuality education should be science-based and medically accurate (Malone 3)." Comprehensive sexual education is not required in most states. Most states require absence only education in which contraception is not taught and instead students learn that the only effective way to prevent pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections is to wait until marriage to have any form of sexual contact. Although both are valid ways to teach sex education, comprehensive has many positive effects on society, as well as, the well-being of every individual that is exposed to comprehensive sexual education.
Comprehensive sexual education has many positive effects on the sexual health of young people. According to a study of forty-eight comprehensive sex education classes, done by Douglas Kirby, two-thirds of the programs had positive effects. These effects included "40 percent delayed sexual initiation, reduced the number of sexual partners, or increased condom or contraceptive use (Frohnapfel-Krueger)." This is compared to a study of absence only sexual education were 88% of participants

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