
Positive Effects Of Manifest Destiny And The Louisiana Purchase

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Manifest Destiny was the act of expanding west to settle and gain more land. Some of the people of America believed that God told them to expand westward so they would have land from coast to coast. They also wanted to expand westward, because the population of America was growing and they would eventually not have enough land for more people. This lead to many positives and negatives like the Mexican/American war and the Louisiana Purchase.

One of the effects of Manifest Destiny was the Mexican/American war, this was a positive and a negative. This was a positive because America gained more land, and it eventually settled conflicts between Mexico and America. In the textbook it said, “Relationships between the 2 countries were strained.” (Appleby,375) It also said that America and Mexico disagreed on the borders of the two countries. It was a negative because the two countries were strained, and that put the security of the citizens living near that area at risk. It was also a negative because the two countries went to war and in the process many Mexican and American soldiers died. …show more content…

It was a positive because America gained more land and they colonized that area. The Texas Revolution was bad because Mexico was trying to gain more land by letting people settle there if they followed Mexico’s laws, but instead the Americans did what they wanted to do. This lead to a war and it also allowed slavery in that area. The people who lived in that area did not feel secure because of the tensions between Mexico and Texas, and because they were also going against Mexico's laws of not having slavery. In the text it says, “Those colonists who held slaves were uneasy about the Mexican government's plans to end

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