
Positive Goals Of Overachievers

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Everyone views overachievers in a positive way; however, at times their techniques can lead to some unhealthy habits. Since their main goal is to do everything perfectly, when they fail it hits a lot harder and can cause their self-esteem to drop. Failure is a scary thing for overachievers because that is the one thing that they are trying not to do.You may not think of procrastinating being a part of an overachiever’s life, but it is. They spend just as much time, or more, on small tasks as they do on the bigger ones. This causes procrastination and, soon enough, failure. If overachievers look at failures in a positive way and look to learn from their mistakes, they will feel much better about themselves and their work. Getting more crucial assignments and work done first, instead of putting more time and energy in the minor things, will help them avoid procrastination. Everyone will, at some point in their life, experience failure and be agitated by it, but for the most part overcome it. For overachievers their main goal is perfection, which is why they might be known as perfectionists; therefore, when they finally get a sense of failure, they are much more drained by it. Since they have extremely high expectations of themselves and don’t expect failure, they aren’t expecting it. Overachievers always put all their effort into avoiding failure and never actually anticipate it. With this, they almost never have to confront the ugly face of failure. This almost

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