
Post-Apocalyptic Movies : The Fear Of Culture In Movies

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As a culture we are obsessed with the concept of the end of the modern world as we know it. We contemplate what would happen if everything we love and care about were to suddenly disappear and never come back. The everyday commodities we enjoy gone in the matter of days, and left in its place is a sinister survivalistic world where no one is safe and the only thing that matters is surviving day by day. Doesn’t matter what caused the world to come to an end, only matters what we do after in order to survive. This genre of movies and films is known as post-apocalyptic. Although the film may delve into the causes of the apocalypse through flashbacks or memories, the film will generally revolve around the characters struggle to survive the aftermath. The genre is riddled with hundreds of films with unique twists and turns, but the majority share similar patterns that help us identify the fears of our culture. The major fears of our culture which post-apocalyptic movies portray is the fear of loneliness, major change in routine, losing our humanity, and losing the feeling of security present in our modern day society. Post-apocalyptic movies have a way of showing us how lonely the world would become if everyone were to be wiped out by some severe disaster, nuclear explosion, or infectious virus. We actively interact with dozens of people a day, from someone holding the elevator open for us at the office, to the constant phone calls you receive from your mother everyday.

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