
Post It Notes Are Made By Accident Summary

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Press 'n Peel What's the first words that come to your mind when you hear the word accident or mistake? Most people think of the bad side effects, but did you ever think of the good side effects. Penicillin, chocolate chip cookies, fireworks, and many other wonderful things we have today were made by accident. Post It notes were made by mistake and they have took over the office sales industry. This mistake landed a company a ton of money—$1 billion a year to be exact. That's crazy, right. In November 2011 Daven Hiskey wrote an article, "Post-It Notes were Invented by Accident",on informing us that in 1968 and Spencer Silver is busy in his office at 3M. He is hunched over his oak desk: a sticky mess. Silver is trying to invent a super strong adhesive to use in the aerospace industry. This adhesive, if it works, is going to be the next big thing to help build airplanes. Silver thinks he is finally done with his adhesive. He steps back and scopes his office for something of medium weight to test out this adhesive. If it works, the object will stick to the wall and stay up by just using this glue. Silver presses the object onto the wall, his fingers crossed. It holds for a second or two and then it: falls. Instead of making a super strong adhesive …show more content…

You can now buy them in 27 different sizes, and 25 different shapes, and 57 different colors, and 20 different fragrances. That's incredible. Now remember that time you made a small mistake that you just were so upset about: it doesn't matter. Mistakes good or bad could possible make you a very rich person. So don't be afraid to make mistakes. If Silver didn't keep trying to get us mistake to take off he wouldn't be know for the most bought office item. Next time you use a Post It Note remember that it came from a mistake and thank god you are not on a plane that could had used this

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