
Post Traumatic Head Dichotomy

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Dr. Steven Dekosky, the chairman of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Department of Neurology, and director of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.
They are: cerebral neurasthenia, chronic traumatic brain injury, chronic brain injury, compensation hysteria, concussion neurosis, delayed traumatic apoplexy, dementia traumatic, encephalopathy traumatica, litigation neurosis, postconcussion neurosis, post concussion syndrome, post-traumatic concussion state, post-traumatic head syndrome, post-traumatic psychoneurosis, terror neurosis, traumatic constitution, traumatic encephalitis, traumatic encephalopathy, traumatic encephalopathy of boxers, traumatic hysterias, traumatic insanity, traumatic neurosis, traumatic psychosis, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. (2) Dr. James Noble, a Columbia University neurologist who was invited to write an editorial to accompany the article, said he hopes this case will bring attention to amateur athletes who may be at risk for CTE even if they don’t play professionally. But Eric Nauman, a professor at Purdue a member of the Purdue Neurotrauma Group, said while the case provides more evidence of the danger of repeated impact to the head. Researchers should also be looking for cases of CTE in individuals without obvious symptoms, Nauman said. Toward the end of his time on the field, he felt his brain slowing down and knew something was wrong. He saw himself in the stories of former NFL …show more content…

The brain disease in football player can cause, the slow losing of neurons of brain losing memory, and words of case kill yourself. The second type of CTE, big concussion, you are bleeding inside of hate the damage is dangerous you possibility to death or suicide.
Some scientifics don’t believe the explosion to hate yourself with others football players in practice or games, can CTE problems. They believe you can CTE problems when you suffer for big concussion

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