
Post Traumatic Stress Condition Essay

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Definition of Condition
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that may develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which severe physical harm occurred or was threatened. Anyone who has gone through a life-threatening event can develop post-traumatic stress disorder including military troops who served in wars; rescue workers for catastrophes for example 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C.; survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing; survivors of accidents, rape, physical or sexual abuse, and other crimes; immigrants fleeing violence in their countries; survivors of earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes; and those who witness traumatic events can also develop post-traumatic stress disorder Incidence/prevalence
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December 2).
Alost-traumatic stress disorder prognosis can be a positive one, but post-traumatic stress disorder treatment may take a long time. Post-traumatic stress disorder can be caused by a variety of events, and its effects may be devastating and long-lasting. According to Eun Jung Suh, Ph D, an assistant professor of clinical psychology at Columbia University in New York, the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder fall into three groups (Myers, W. 2011, January 18).
Medication may have the most impact when combined with a form of therapy known as cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT. “Psychotherapies like CBT help to decrease fear and anxiety related to trauma,” says Suh. “Therapy can also help patients understand and change how they think about their trauma experience.”
(Myers, W. 2011, January

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